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Summer on Stross – A Great Time at Strossmartre

More than 100 days of fun await again this year on Strossmayerovo šetalište, Zagreb’s Strossmartre.

Strossmayerovo šetalište, one of the most beautiful and romantic Zagreb promenades, will this summer again be transformed for three months into Strossmartre, Zagreb’s version of Montmartre! Strossmartre will come to life for 102 days, starting up on 25 May and running until 9 September. It will be hard to resist the carefully curated programme of concerts, art installations, unusual and fun events and competitions, the nostalgic atmosphere of the open air cinema, artists with their easels and excellent wines. When it comes to music you can expect all sorts, from jazz via evergreen, through to the nostalgic sounds of the ‘50s, ‘60s and ‘80s, Latino sounds, Romani and alternative music. There will be puppet shows for the little ones, there will be an atelier under the Grič cannon, there will be a best photo competition and of course a mixed breed dog show and competition. The winner, a real Strossmartre local, will win a one metre sausage! There is also the traditional celebration of Second Half of the Year on 30 June. A musical extravaganza and firework show are guaranteed!
