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A New Promotional Film: Zagreb All-Inclusive
The destination film Zagreb All – Inclusive invites you to experience the city famous for its atmosphere and versatile offer which make it pleasant, attractive, and inspirational.
Zagreb All-Inclusive is the title of the destination film which was recently promoted by the Zagreb Tourist Board. Beautiful scenes of the city which provides visitors with a chance to have lots of fun, rest and enjoy cultural and catering options are accompanied by a version of the song I Sing Amore performed by Ivo Robić, one of the most famous singers in the history of our music scene, who is also known abroad as Mr Morgen.
The Zagreb Tourist Board Director Martina Bienenfeld says: “This film is not just an invitation to our beautiful city, but also an introduction to the experience that will change your perspective, fulfil and inspire you.”
Zagreb All-Inclusive has already started its mission which is to promote Croatia and Zagreb in the world. It has been screened at special promotional events in the UK, Singapore and the US. Further promotional activities include screening at the flights of Croatia Airlines, tourism fairs in Europe and the world, special presentations and via all online channels and events of the Zagreb Tourist Board.
You can watch Zagreb All-Inclusive at the following link: