Jedinstven spoj kontinentalne i mediteranske Hrvatske, metropola, ali i grad u kojem je sve nadohvat ruke. Proturječja zagrebačkih ulica, od kojih su neke mirne i tihe, a neke pulsirajuće, savršeno odražavaju karakter Zagreba, grada u kojem svatko pronalazi nešto za sebe. I baš zato što ne postoji jedan Zagreb, on je jedan i jedinstven.
Događanja u Zagrebu
Više o Zagrebu


From Gas Lamps to Modern Light Installations: The Evolution of Zagreb's Lighting
Zagreb is a city of technology and history, and nowhere is this perhaps better illustrated than in its street lighting. From the golden glow of 19th-century gas lamps to the blinding installations of the modern Festival of Lights, Zagreb's lighting has evolved along with its city landscape, offering an interesting glimpse into the city's development.
Carnival season in Zagreb
Some parts of Croatia live for the carnival season. How about Zagreb?
Conquering the Upper Town
The adorable Upper Town is the historical heart of the city. The serene area amazes us with beautiful views from its hilltop during the day and the lingering lights of the gas lamps in the evening. The sense of place is tangible, so why would you even think of skipping the area?
The History and Tradition of Advent in Zagreb
When the first snowflakes settle on the rooftops of Zagreb, and the streets fill with the aroma of mulled wine and gingerbread, the city transforms into a living fairytale, glowing with light and joy. However, Advent in Zagreb is not merely a contemporary festival attracting visitors from around the world. Its roots run deep into history, interwoven with traditions and customs that have long shaped the spirit of this city.
Oh, Zagreb Christmas trees!
Have you already decorated your Christmas tree? Traditionally, families in Croatia decorate them on Christmas Eve and remove them after Epiphany - that's Three Wise Men - on January 6th.
Zagreb Christmas Off the Beaten Tourist Path
The countdown has almost ended—on November 30th, the Christmas festivities will take over Zagreb! Are you coming?