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Unique, diverse and delicious

Since ancient times, Zagreb has been tightly connected to the hills and plains that surround it.

These fertile soils fed the city's population, producing fresh fruits of the land on a daily basis so that homemade dishes could be prepared. And the places where people used to go to find these groceries a few hundred years ago are the same places we go to today – the markets.

Dolac is the most famous market in Zagreb, where you can find everything from fruits and vegetables to fish and meat. Just one look at this dynamic, colorful, and vibrant atmosphere will tell you a lot about the city, its past and its current way of life. Numerous "kumice" (saleswomen) talk to visitors, explaining why their products are the best, always with smiling faces and a cheerful spirit.

Domestic products can also be found in other city markets, such as Branimirova, Utrina or the market at the British Square, where they are also sold by local family farms. There's something fulfilling about knowing that you're buying food that someone has grown to provide you with a quality meal, isn't there?

And those who wish to grow vegetables in their own garden can do so despite living in the city. The Urban Gardens project gives citizens the opportunity of renting land for cultivation, while the Gruntek project offers the option of someone else doing it for them. In any case, this way local and fresh vegetables are being served in the city.

The connection between nature and the land with the city is truly magical, primarily because it comes through what we all love very much – food. Zagreb is a city of rich gastronomy, which, despite various influences and tendencies, has for centuries appreciated domestic, local foods the most.
