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43rd Edition of Grič Evenings: Invitation to Excellent Classical Music Fans

For four decades, the sounds of classical music coming from the Grič Evenings venues have been a trademark of summers in Zagreb. The string of exquisite concerts continues this year as well.

The Grič Evenings, one of the leading European festivals of chamber music, is held from 29 June to 22 July and this is their 43rd edition.

In addition to the traditional stage and wonderful venue of the Klovićevi Dvori Gallery in the Upper Town, this year concerts will also take place in two new locations, St. Mark’s Church and the Music Pavilion in Zrinjevac Park.

Visitors will have a chance to enjoy seven excellent musical evenings and performances of renowned Croatian and foreign classic musicians. The first concert will take place on 29 June in Zrinjevac Park and bring the performance of female choir from the USA Orange County Women’s Chorus. On 11 July the ensemble Ballot Quintet will give a concert to honour the 200th anniversary of the birth of Austrian composer Anton Bruckner in St. Mark’s Church in the Upper Town. One day later Metropolis Piano Quartet from Poland will perform in the atrium of the Klovićevi Dvori Gallery. In the same venue on 13 July a young guitarist Zlatko Josip Grgić will perform Spanish music.

On the occasion of 150th anniversary of the birth of writer Ivana Brlić Mažuranić, ensemble Euterpa will perform opera Regoč on 14 July in the atrium of the Klovićevi Dvori Gallery. A famous vocal ensemble from London, Apollo5, will present their work to citizens and visitors of Zagreb at a concert held in St. Mark’s Church on 18 July.

The finale of the 43rd edition of the Grič Evenings will take place on 22 July when famous Croatian musicians will perform; a cellist Monika Leskovar and pianist Martina Filjak.
