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Savska cesta 41/XIII

TIFON d.o.o. is a company with 100% ownership stake held by the MOL oil company.

It was registered in 1998 in Zagreb, and its principal activities are storage, trade and transportation of oil and oil derivatives, sale and distribution of heating oil, and retail sales through its own network of petrol stations. Apart from fuels, LPG, oils and lubricants, our petrol stations offer over 4.000 items of consumer goods and wide variety of catering services.

TIFON d.o.o. has over 550 highly motivated and educated employees. Basic business concept and also a slogan of Tifon is "EUROPEAN QUALITY GUARANTEE". Tifon is placing on the Croatian market fuels, oils and lubricants meeting the highest European quality and environment protection standards.

Fuels offered at our petrol stations have the lowest sulphur content and are characterized by high performance and reduced engine consumption. Our retail network also provides high level services and complete logistic, technical and technological support to its customers.