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For those who wish to explore, this is a city where everything is easily accessible and connected. Just head out in one direction and you will surely find lots of interesting facts, charming nooks and surprising discoveries. Meet the friendly locals, enjoy gastronomic specialties and take in the city culture - everything is within reach!

For those looking for facts and information, this is a city with lots of organized tours where you can learn all the magical tales of its history. Sightseeing methods will be as unique and innovative as the content you will see and explore.
Take a classic walking tour or innovative gastronomic tour; go sightseeing on ricksha, electric scooter or fijaker, head out for a panoramic balloon flight or have a skydiving experience. Go off on an adventure and get carried away by this city of million hearts. 

City tours by bus

Would you like to go through all the famous sights in Zagreb in a completely original and flexible way? Then a bus which gives you the option of hopping on and off as you wish is the perfect choice!

City tours by bike

Zagreb locals learn how to ride a bike when they are very young, so it’s no wonder that it represents one of the main means of transport. They use it to go to school, work, café or for recreational purposes. If you wish to experience the city as the locals do, there is no better option than to explore it on two wheels.

City tours from air

Are you an adventurer who longs for the feeling of adrenaline rushing through your body? Then a regular sightseeing tour just won’t do it. You can experience a hypnotic and unique perspective of Zagreb if you are bold enough to go sightseeing in a completely unexpected way - from the air!

Historical tours

The streets of Zagreb are full of remnants from its thousand years of history – some of them are hidden, some visible in plain sight. These tours will take you on a journey which will open your eyes to all the secrets, myths and legends of the city below Sljeme!

Costumed tours

Luscious baroque dresses, flaunting gentlemen’s suits, dark witch dresses and reincarnation of a mind far ahead its time. Sounds intriguing, doesn’t it? All of them will be your guides on these costumed tours!

Zagreb Stories

How did Zagreb get its name? Who is the horse rider on the central square and what is he pointing at? From those who are famous all around Europe to those who remain local heroes, these characters hold the tales you will want to listen to!

Gastro tours

Strudels, schnitzels, beer, “klipići”, “mlinci”, “tafelšpic” and… truffles? Oh yes, this is the food that marks Zagreb, a true gastronomical destination which acts under various culinary influences, from Vienna to the Mediterranean.

Other tours

From the art to social media networks, these tours are truly special, innovative and creative. They will share Zagreb’s stories in the most unusual of ways, providing you with an experience you will always fondly remember!