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Costumed tours

Luscious baroque dresses, flaunting gentlemen’s suits, dark witch dresses and reincarnation of a mind far ahead its time. Sounds intriguing, doesn’t it? All of them will be your guides on these costumed tours!

Figures evoking times long passed, interesting and fairy-tale like events, are rising from the city’s history and taking you on a sightseeing tour like you have never experienced before. Join these customed tours, led by ladies and gentlemen in fanciful costumes, who will perfectly evoke the period which they represent.

Is there a better way to learn about the witches of Zagreb than hearing about it from a sorceress? Or to be familiarised with a famous Zagrebian novel by a necromancer? Well, not all the tours are dark and sombre – here you will also find Nikola Tesla, August Šenoa and Marija Jurić Zagorka! These guides’ costumes will present each story with perfect clarity, giving a new dimension to our lovely city!