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By Train

The Main Railway Station is on King Tomislav Square, just a 10 minute walk from the centre.

Arriving by train

Back in 1890, when construction started on Zagreb's Main Railway Station, it wasn't just an ordinary construction, but the realization of an architectural vision from which arose a 200-meter-long neoclassicist building, full of sculptures and decorations, and which is now a protected cultural heritage of Croatia and a symbol of Zagreb’s architectural legacy.


Beside its primary function, receiving passengers, the  Main Railway Station, like all modern stations, offers other amenities to modern travelers: cloakroom, seat reservation office, information booth, money exchange, restaurants, advertizing, lost and found office and car transport by rail. 

Main Railway Station

King Tomislav Square 12

TEL: +385 60 333 444, +385 1 37 82 583



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