A musical walk through the Kaptol
From Jelačić monument we rise towards the centre of ecclesiastical Zagreb – the Kaptol.
The rhythm of our steps, in harmony with the sounds of bells and organs, as well as the sounds of luscious melodies peeking from the old church manors, slowly reveal the musical history of the Kaptol. Listen to the dance of the music notes, and you might unveil the house holding the image of Saint Cecilia, patron saint of music. Embark on this tour and visit Dolac and Opatovina, parts of the city that had once held the homes of well-known Zagrebian musical pedagogists and musicians. If you select the right summer evening, Opatovina will treat you to a merry histrion music, close to the Zagrebian centre of musicals and operettas.
Date/day of departure: 25.3. - 4:30 p.m.
Point of departure: Ban Josip Jelacic Square
Language: Croatian
Duration of the tour: 1:20 h
Price of the tour: free
Reservation/Check-in: Yes
Tours on request: No