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10th Edition of Teatar EXIT’s Summer Nights: a Summer Full of Plays

The beautiful ambiance of Zagreb’s Museum of Arts and Crafts will be the venue of this year’s 10th edition of Teatar EXIT’s Summer Nights. Until the beginning of August audiences will have the opportunity to enjoy as many as 23 engaging plays. In addition to plays coming from Zagreb’s Teatar EXIT, the programme will also feature award-winning theatrical pieces from Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The 10th Teatar EXIT Summer Nights are taking place from June 27th to August 3rd at the Museum of Arts and Crafts, and will feature as many as 23 plays. In addition to pieces coming from Zagreb’s Teatar EXIT, the jubilee edition of Summer Nights will also give audiences the opportunity to enjoy two regional plays, six visiting performances from Croatian theatres as well as one premiere.

Visiting theatre companies from Zagreb, Split and Osijek are expected to be part of the programme, as well as those from neighbouring countries – Atelje 212 from Belgrade and SARTR (the Sarajevo War Theatre).

Every year the repertoire of Teatar EXIT’s Summer Nights keeps expanding with excellent plays, so it is no small wonder that tickets are in high demand.

Teatar EXIT, which organises the Summer Nights, is an independent theatre in Zagreb founded in 1994. It is well-known as a theatre that embraces change and produces high-quality theatrical work with powerful and thought-provoking messages.
