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16th ZagrebDox: Documentaries and Their Authors in the Spotlight

In mid- March, Zagreb will become a gathering place of authors of documentaries from the entire world, and numerous spectators will be able to enjoy the most recent films of the 16th International Documentary Film Festival.

For sixteenth consecutive year, many authors of documentary films as well as fans of this film genre will gather from 15 to 22 March to attend Zagreb Dox - International Documentary Film Festival. The festival consists of official, competition program as well as non – competition programs – retrospectives and special programs. In the official program authors from the entire world will take part in international competition. The countries of the region on the other hand compete in a special, regional program with a condition that films were screened after the 1 January 2019. The regional competition program consists of films created in production or co-production in Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Slovenia and Serbia.

The program ZagrebDox Pro is also part of ZagrebDox and its aim is to improve documentary projects in different stages of development and production. It includes a pitching forum, individual meetings with representatives of film industry as well as a series of expert lectures on current documentary topics. During an intense four-day workshop, participants hone their skills of efficient pitching of their project to possible financiers and co-producers. ZagrebDox Pro is intended to help participants to find international partners needed to realise films through group and individual work on project pitching, improvements in financial plan and quality of the teaser trailer.

The best in the international and regional competition will be awarded with Big Stamps.  Young authors and projects will also be awarded and there will be a special audience award.
