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4th Salon of Sparkling Wines: Gathering Accompanied by Aromatic Taste

The 4th edition of Salon of Sparkling Wines will take place at the very end of January 2020 and gather excellent winemakers and fans of sparkling wine.

At the 4th Salon of Sparkling Wines visitors will get a chance to enjoy the taste of sparkling wine varieties presented by forty winemakers. The salon will take place on 31 January from 3 PM to 9 PM in Hotel Dubrovnik, located in Zagreb’s Ban Josip Jelačić Square. Sparkling wines will be accompanied by delicacies which will also be provided.

The event also has an educational element due to workshops and guided tastings that have been announced. They will provide guidance in the interesting world of sparkling wines and accompanying gastro offer to visitors, along with offering marvellous taste.

