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90th Anniversary of the Zagreb Quartet

In the middle of March the Zagreb Quartet will hold their second concert marking the celebration of the 90th jubilee anniversary of the oldest chamber ensemble in Croatia. Throughout all of these decades they have continued to foster domestic talent in the creative and performing music arts.

The Zagreb Quarter, the oldest chamber ensemble in Croatia, is celebrating the 90th anniversary of their work. On the occasion of marking that worthy jubilee, they will hold their second concert on March 14th at the Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall. The tenor Krešimir Špicer will perform together with the celebrators.

The ensemble was established in 1919 by Vaclav Huml, Ladislav Miranov, Milan Graf and Umberto Fabbri. The underlying idea was to foster the work of Croatian composers and interpreters of music. Already the following year, many domestic and foreign composers dedicated their works to the ensemble. Over the decades, a great number of top rate musicians have played with the ensemble: Dragutin Arany, Zlatko Topolski, Stjepan Šulek, Josip Klima, Tomislav Šestak, Dušan Stranić, Zvonimir Pomykalo, Ðorđe and Marija Trkulja, Ivan Kuzmić, Goran Bakrač to name but a few.

The current members of the group are Goran Končar and Davor Philips on violin, Hrvoje Philips on viola and Martin Jordan on cello. A respectable number of foreign guests are regular followers of the quartet's concerts in Zagreb. As a result, the Tourist Board of the City of Zagreb is working very closely with the ensemble in order to introduce tourists to the creativity of Croatian authors, the local culture and musical heritage.

The Zagreb Quartet has performed on the most prominent stages in the world, and the number of their recordings testify to their rich repertoire and the way they have served Croatian culture as the faithful custodians of Croatian musical production.
