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A Host of Exhibitions – From Tesla's achievements to architecture and photography

A varied offering from Zagreb's museums and galleries this August, whether you're a fan of great inventions or of contemporary art.

From 11 July to 30 October in the Nikola Tesla Technical Museum you'll be able to see the exhibition “Tesla’s World System” created by Zorica Civirić Flores. The exhibition celebrates the 162nd anniversary of Tesla’s birth and is dedicated to Tesla’s achievements in the field of the wireless transmission of electrical energy.

The Oris House of Architecture is hosting the exhibition Tadao Ando – Punta della Dogana until 1 September. Visitors will have the chance to see original sketches by Tadao Ando as well as a minutely worked original model of Punta della Dogana which has travelled here direct from Ando’s office in Osaka.

At the Croatian Museum of Architecture of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Zagreb, an exhibition titled “Haludizam / Haluddism” by Damir Fabijanić is open until 22 August. The exhibition brings us fifty of the same photographs of motifs from Hotel Haludovo, a now derelict hedonistic holiday resort of the 1980s, taken back in 1987 and then 31 years later in 2018.

In Zagreb’s Museum of Contemporary Arts a group exhibition titled “Time Bandits – Reloaded” has opened. The exhibition invites us to experience and feel the concept of time in a different way. The artists exhibiting are: Christian Boltanski, Rino Efendić, Lawrence English, Željko Kipke, Ivan Kožarić, Siniša Labrović, Toni Meštrović, Neli Ružić, Mladen Stilinović, Dario Šolman, Marino Tartaglia, Ulay and Gorki Žuvela. The exhibition runs until 18 September.

Lauba House for People and Art is celebrating its seventh birthday with, among other things, a large exhibition by Silvijo Vujčić titled “Landscapes Without Madonna and Rabbit for People Who Love Flowers, Dogs and Small Children”. For Lauba’s birthday exhibition Silvio Vujičić has created six new works of monumental dimensions. The exhibition runs until 25 August.
