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Artupunktura: Art Against Challenges of Everyday Life

As of mid – September you will again feel the therapeutical impact of art in the streets and squares of Zagreb and agree that it really has a healing effect!

When you encounter exhibitions or individual works of art collectively referred to as Artupunktura by accident or on purpose while walking along the city as of 15 September, this will be the result of artists’ wish to introduce a new outlook and creativity in your life and urban everyday habits. This is the best way to forget about everyday challenges, temporarily or permanently, and turn your tour of Zagreb in an interesting and inspirational meeting with art and artists.

Last year’s first edition of the Artupunktura project has incited positive reactions of visitors and citizens. It is a project envisaged as a platform for culture and art whose aim is to popularize art scene and revitalise the city while bearing in mind the main idea of the project; using art as therapy in Zagreb.

In the second year of the project, artists will use creative projects, interactions between city attractions and artistic freedom and ideas to imprint beauty, energy and artistic vision on the iconic but also less familiar city locations. Art studios, galleries, museums and squares, public spaces, even notice boards in the very city centre and other neighbourhoods will receive new content and a much – needed shot of creativity, inspiration and optimistic outlook on life.
