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Croatian Tourism Month: October Marked by Attractive Offer and Affordable Prices

In October, many tourism services and attractions will be available to foreign and Croatian visitors in the entire country at affordable prices, which is an additional reason to visit Croatia and enjoy the stay.

Croatian Tourism Month is the name of a project started by the Ministry of Tourism and Sports and the Croatian National Tourist Board encompassing many tourism services and experiences with at least 35 per cent discount. This is a chance for Croatian citizens as well as foreign visitors to enjoy services and stay in all parts of the country at affordable prices. The discounts refer to accommodation, transportation, cultural, historical and natural sites, tourist attractions and well as catering services.

“It is our wish to encourage Croatian and foreign tourists to explore Croatia and at the same time to extend tourist season. Due to a great interest sparked by the last-year’s Vacation-Worthy Week project, we decided to offer a range of services with special benefits and at least 35 per cent discount during an entire month this year in the entire country. It is our belief that this will be an additional incentive to travel and discover new destinations. The results have been excellent in the postseason so far, which confirms the fact that Croatia meets all the requirements to become a year-round tourism destination. This is also our strategic goal. I would like to invite all stakeholders in the tourism industry to get involved in this promotion and all tourist, both Croatian and foreign, to use this opportunity and discover attractions of Croatia which is beautiful at any time of the year” said Nikolina Brnjac, the Minister of Tourism and Sports.

Kristjan Staničić, the Croatian National Tourist Board Director, in addition to inviting stakeholders to participate also emphasised the importance of complying with all prescribed epidemiological measures and responsible behaviour.   
