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European Theatre Night – The Night When The Theatre Performs for Free

Theatre goers will once again head for European Theatre Night, the night when the theatre opens its doors wide to the audience.

European Theatre Night is a one day event dedicated to the dramatic and performance arts. It is held concurrently in 11 European countries each year, on the third Saturday in November. This year, on 17 November, the theatre will be the place to meet people, for dialogue, socialising and learning, for artists, theatre staff and audiences. On that day the theatre performs for free and opens its doors to audiences, breaking down for a moment the illusion of the theatre, deepening the connection that audiences have with those that perform and work there. Alongside a series of already completed performances, Theatre Night broadens its programme to guest appearances from international co-productions, the exchange of performances between Croatian theatre houses, readings and enactments of works by contemporary European authors, round tables and audiences with direct participation via the internet. The mission of European Theatre Night is to promote professional and amateur theatre through enabling cooperation and the exchange of completed productions, as well as the creation of new ones, the opening up of a theatre network open to all who work in culture and the continued nurturing of existing theatre audiences as well as the creation of new ones.

The vision of European Theatre Night is to become a successful and popular event throughout Europe which puts on theatre without language, religious, national or geographic barriers, for the creation and performance of high quality dramatic arts.
