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Health Tourism: Excellent Service and Interesting Activities

Top, world-renowned experts, a network of excellent medical and dental centres, competitive prices, accessibility of transport infrastructure and numerous interesting activities in the city are an additional reason why Zagreb is an appealing health tourism centre.

Zagreb is a frequent destination of visitors coming to the city for health reasons since it is famed for dental and ophthalmological services, plastic surgery, dermatology, orthopaedics and diagnostics. Fully equipped medical centres in which medical services are provided following top world standards, a staff whose competence was confirmed by collaboration with numerous world medical centres and universities, competitive prices and developed accommodation and other infrastructure are a reason for an increasing number of visitors who are motivated by health.

These qualities are asserted by users themselves. A study on health tourism conducted by the Zagreb Tourist Board with the aim of researching and analysing the position of the city in providing health tourism services has shown that users stress high quality services and medical achievements as main advantages of medical services offered in Zagreb, as well as EU membership which allows mobility and a possibility of cooperation. They also stressed varied natural environment and resources, developed traffic and accommodation infrastructure and other factors.

Let us also add that the prices of medical services in medical centres in Zagreb are competitive and that Zagreb and its surroundings provide users and persons accompanying them with numerous possibilities to see cultural events, taste excellent food, shop and go on excursions.

The Zagreb Tourist Board provides support to health tourism, its recognisability and branding. It recently published a brochure Zagreb– the Centre of Medical Excellence and provides information on special web sites. The conference Health Spot Croatia, which was jointly organised in early February by the Zagreb Tourist Board and the Croatian National Tourist Board, was dedicated to this type of services and it gathered top experts from the country and the world.

Find out more about health tourism in Zagreb at
