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November Packed With Exhibitions – From the Elan Factory to Croatian Glagolitics, from Klovićevi dvori Gallery to the Typhlological Museum

Almost each and every museum and gallery has a new exhibition this November. Why not visit all of them?

In the Technical Museum, from 9 October to 31 January 2019, the exhibition “With Elan to the Stars” offers an overview of one of the most successful Slovenian companies. Greats such as Ingemar Stenmark and Bojan Križ used Elan skis, as did the unbeatable Croatian duo Janica and Ivica Kostelić.

The year 1918 is the theme of the historical exhibition “1918 – A Turning Point in Croatia” at the Croatian History Museum. The exhibition is open from November 2018 to September 2019.

The exhibition “Meštrović and Prodanić: An Artist and His Photographer” in the Ivan Meštrović Museum presents for the first time the life and work of photographer Svetozar Prodanović who worked with Meštrović in the period between 1924 and 1934, while the exhibition “Mestrović’s Mark in Zagreb: Meštrović the Architect – 80 Years of the Croatian Home of Visual Artists” is being prepared for the 80th anniversary of the opening of the Croatian Home of Visual Artists.

In the European Year of Cultural Heritage, the National and University Library in Zagreb is organising an exhibition about the Croatian Glagolitic alphabet with the slogan “Celebrating the Glagolitic letter”. The exhibition is open from 6 November to 15 December.

On 7 November an exhibition dedicated to the Tuscan master Giotto opens in the gallery of the Archaeological Museum. The hidden meanings of his masterpieces are revealed through story, song and paintings.

The Klovićevi dvori Gallery brings us an exhibition on Nikola Reiser on the 100th anniversary of his birth. The retrospective will cover all phases of his work and runs from 8 November to 3 February 2019.

In the Typhlological Museum, an exhibition titled “Mrak posao” / “Dark (Cool) Work” on training and employing people with visual impairments is running until 21 December.
