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QR codes for all tourist locations in the city

If you are interested in finding information about various tourist locales and you have a smart phone – your problems are solved because Zagreb now has smart QR codes at as many as 28 different locations around the city. By simply placing a mobile phone against the codes, you will automatically receive all the necessary information, images and video clips concerning the location you are interested in.

The Zagreb Tourist Board is one of the first in Europe that started presenting Zagreb’s tourist highlights via QR (Quick Response) codes, which can be easily downloaded by means of a smart phone or another mobile device with a built-in Android operation system. The codes have been mounted at 28 locations in the wider city centre, on the posts that already feature the so-called brown signalization, i.e. signposts to the most important city attractions. This is the second stage of the project as the city of Zagreb has already received its unique QR code at the initiative of the Zagreb Tourist Board. Now, each tourist attraction has its own code. For the time being the city code has been well received and the same is expected to happen with the new ones as this is a truly revolutionary and exceptionally practical type of presentation. The desired effect is achieved by simply placing a mobile device onto the code, which automatically provides information about each particular location.  

All you need is an operational mobile device, an installed free code-reading application and your search of Zagreb’s highlights can start even if you are rather far away from them. The code offers a number of varied applications, i.e. it provides the fastest way of opening a desired web address, finding an interactive map, learning all the necessary information, seeing photos or short video clips of every participating locality, and is therefore sure to delight many modern-day tourists. 

The information obtained by means of the Zagreb QR code is currently available in seven languages: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish and Japanese, whereas Chinese will soon be added to the list.

