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Strossmartre: A Hundred Days of Fun, Joy and Excellent Atmosphere

An interesting program will take place until early September on Strossmayer Promenade, the most romantic spot in the city, offering a lot of fun, joy and a great time. The Upper Town will become a lively and romantic summer stage and a place for interesting encounters.

Summer at the Stross or Strossmartre, whose name is reminiscent of the most romantic city district of Paris, and rightly so, is the longest manifestation in Zagreb since it lasts 102 days. To a great extent it determines the life on the Upper Town during summer. The manifestation consists of carefully selected music program, open-air cinema with a nostalgic aura and repertoire but also appearance of many painters who will paint interesting panoramas of Zagreb, portraits or other motifs on their canvases. Of course all accompanied by an excellent food and beverage selection.

Music program will be very varied so visitors will have a chance to hear excellent jazz, evergreen hits, nostalgic music which takes you back to the 1950s and further decades. There will also be Latin rhythms, original music, Romany songs and other alternative music genres.

For those whose expectations were not fulfilled during the first half of the year, celebration of the second and, let’s hope, more successful half of the year is a chance for optimism. It will take place on 30 June on this very spot and be market by fireworks. Also visitors of Strossmartre will be able to enjoy many attractive events whose atmosphere, mood and joy will enrich summer feeling in Zagreb.
