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Students of Zagreb's Grammar School Win Four Olympic Medals

Zagreb has Olympians! Students of one of Zagreb's grammar school are on a roll. They recorded new successes at the most prestigious international competition in informatics for high school students under the age of 19. While the much more popular Olympic Games were taking place in Beijing, the 20th International Olympiad in Informatics was taking place in Egypt. Croatian grammar school students returned from it with as many as four medals under their belts.

While Croatia won five Olympic medals in Beijing, four students of Zagreb's Fifth Grammar School won four medals in Cairo – one gold, one silver and two bronze.

On their return from Egypt, the city of Zagreb awarded the young laureates with scholarships and the necessary IT equipment. Before Cairo, our team competed at the Central European Olympiad in informatics in Germany and won one gold and one silver medal. Over the past six years, Croatian teams have won a total of five gold medals at various competitions in informatics. Since it was launched as a result of an UNESCO initiative, the Olympiad in Informatics has grown into the most significant and largest competition in informatics for high school students. The first Olympiad in informatics was held in 1989 in Bulgarian Pravets, and its host last year was Zagreb. The competition lasts two days and consists of tasks in computer programming and solving algorithm problems. The competition is for individuals and each country can send up to four of its representatives to the competition. The participants for the Olympiad are selected at national competitions.
This year's International Olympiad in Informatics gathered teams from 78 countries worldwide.
