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Summer in the Heart of the City – Summer in Zrinjevac Park

Zrinjevac Park, the favourite of the people of Zagreb, has its summertime too, from morning to evening, from yoga to the Studio of Smiles and great concerts.

What kind of Zagreb summer of culture would it be without the packed programme in the Zrinjevac Park?! Because you can indeed spend your summer holidays in the very heart of the capital. The “Summer on Zrinjevac” programme offers everything that a good rest needs, from 10 July to 5 August, from 7 am to the late evening hours. The programme begins at 7 am. The mornings are reserved for yoga in daily life, and after yoga visitors can enjoy the Relax and Sport zone all day. The evenings offer a wealth of concerts of the most diverse genres. Zrinjevac is, among other things, the centre of the XVIII World Saxophone Congress; in the evenings there will be dancing to Zumba, and Mia Dimšić, Nina Kraljić and Marko Tolja among others will be singing, while the Studio of Smiles will take care of the laughter. Summer in the heart of the city, Summer on Zrinjevac guarantees great fun and all-round refreshment. July, from seven in the morning until your legs can hold you up no more – Summer in Zrinjevac!
