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Summer Nights at the EXIT Theatre – A Dramatic Treat in the Museum of Arts and Crafts

This year once again, in the Museum of Arts and Crafts, Summer Nights at the EXIT Theatre await, hit performances from the regular repertoire of the EXIT Theatre and three regional and Croatian guest appearances.

From 27 June to 4 August in the Museum of Arts and Crafts a real treat awaits theatregoers. You will be able to see hit performances from the regular repertoire of Theatre EXIT such as "CABAres CABArei", "Njuške", "SHAKEspeare na EXit", "Dvoje", "Ja, tata!", "Kako misliš mene nema?!", "Taksimetar", "Pluća", "Izloška br. 49", "Balon" and "Münchhausen",as well as three regional and three Croatian guest performances. There is the play "Sjeveroistok" by Torsten Buchsteiner directed by Jana Maričić and produced by Beo Art 2015 and BITEF Theatre from Belgrade, "Beton mahala" by the drama group "Joj, evo ih ovi" from Novi Pazar directed by Branislav Trifunović i Rifat Rifatović and "Neuručena pisma" by the Belgrade Cultural Centre, performed by Dušanka Stojanović Glid and Goran Jevtić. The three Croatian guest performances are "Ubojstvo u klubu Quasimodo" by PlayDrama from Split and the Croatian National Theatre in Zadar directed by Elvis Bošnjak, the play “Konstelacije” by Nick Payne directed by Aida Bukvić and "Posljednju Freudovu seansu" by Mark St. Germain by the Planet Art Theatre directed by Marko Torjanac. All performances start at 9 pm.
