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The Croatian Natural History Museum - Why Are Bees More Important than Humans?

“Why Are Bees More Important than Humans?” is the name of an exhibition at the Croatian Natural History Museum.

Albert Einstein tried to answer that question, stating: “If bees disappeared, humans would only have four years of life left.” Because of their role in pollination it is estimated that one third of food for humans in some way depends on bees. Bees are sometimes called nature’s angels or the angels of agriculture. They are one of the key links in the chain of life and the food chain, while the honey they produce is exceptionally healthy and safe since most bacteria cannot survive in it. Bees also produce wax, venom, propolis, pollen and royal jelly.

You can find out about all this and much more, about bees or the daughters of the sun, at this exhibition created by Iva Mihoci and Zorana Sedlar. The exhibition was created by the Croatian Natural History Museum in cooperation with the Croatian Union of Beekeepers and the Faculties of Veterinary Medicine and Agriculture at the University of Zagreb.

The exhibition is open until the end of 2017.
