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The Little Night Marathon – The Biggest and the Best Running Party Under the Stars

The 2018 Grawe Night Marathon Zagreb is the biggest night running party.

The Bundek Lake, the riverbank, the bridges… Lanterns and a starlit sky… Great fun, atmosphere and a noble aim… All of that is guaranteed once again this year by a running event which will be held on 25 August at Bundek park. Thousands of runners will once again run under the starry skies to the moon and back, each according to their abilities, some the shortest 4 km section, others the full 42 km. And it all started a couple of years ago in a rather modest way, with about 400 participants, for it to grow in a flash into a spectacle. Nothing is impossible any more, so it’s no wonder that the slogan of this year’s Grawe Night Marathon is the Frank Sinatra song “Fly Me to the Moon”. At Bundek Lake you run to the moon and back, and at the big moonlit and starlit running party you dance while running! There is space for 2000 runners. There is no doubt that there will be that many, both at the start and at the finish line of this spectacular race.
