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The Man Who Made His Polar Dream Come True – Davor Rostuhar the First Croat to Reach the South Pole on Foot

The expedition lasted 47 days during which Rostuhar, on his own, walking on skis, traversed 1163 km from the edge of Antarctica to the South Pole, becoming the first Croat and the 21st person in the world to do so.

Davor Rostuhar has done it! He has become the first Croat to travel on foot from the coast of Antarctica to the South Pole! He conquered the south pole on 17 January 2018 at 7 pm Croatian time.

The expedition lasted 47 days during which, on his own, and walking on skis, with no food delivery and no aid from the wind, travelled 1163 km from the edge of Antarctica to the South Pole, becoming the first Croat and the 21st person in the world to do so. Everything that he needed for survival – a tent, food and equipment – he pulled behind him on a sled which weighed 135 kg at the beginning of the expedition. He walked between 10 and 12 hours a day,travelling a daily average of 25 km. He had three days where he took a break. Temperatures were between -15 and -27 degrees Celsius, with a wind chill of as low as -50 degrees Celsius. Davor had no problems on the journey. At the end, he said, he was looking forward to a pizza and a warm shower.

You can read more on the website of the Expedition and Culture Club where Rostuhar’s expedition diary is online. Rostuhar plans to write a book about his endeavour and present it towards the end of April.

However, it is worth already taking note of and following what this adventurer, travel writer, explorer and photographer tells us: “I am delighted because I proved to myself that you can make your dreams come true. I set myself an ambitious goal and on the way to achieving it I proved that with a great deal of work, faith, effort and dedication you can do whatever you want. I hope that this story of mine will motivate other people as other people have motivated me. Follow your dreams. It is possible!”
