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Week Worthy of Resting: Invitation for Croatian Visitors

A short escape from the daily routine at much more affordable prices will be most welcome as a break to whoever is tired of the everyday bustle but also of stress which is abundant nowadays.

A Week Worthy of Resting is a promotion allowing citizens of Croatia to enjoy a wide range of services for half the price from 16 to 25 October. The aim of the promotion, as explained by the organisers, the Ministry of Tourism and Sport and the Croatian National Tourist Board, is to direct attention to domestic trips and raise the level of tourism activity outside of summer season. The promotion includes services such as accommodation, transport, attractions, hospitality offer and various events.

This is an opportunity for tourism institutions and economic operators to thank Croatian visitors who were among the most numerous in Croatian tourist destinations so far this year. In this tourist year, which has been special in many respects, one out of five visitors was a citizen of Croatia. In total tourists from Croatia account for 1.3 million visits and 9.6 million overnight stays. Therefore, affordable prices as a part of this traditional promotion are a thank you note but also an invitation to spend a holiday exploring interesting tourism, hospitality and recreational opportunities.

More information about this promotion is available at the following link:  
