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Zagreb, A Centre of Design: Zagreb Design Week, Design District Zagreb, Ilica Project

Three large events will present the best of contemporary design.

An array of innovations awaits visitors to the largest event in Croatia dedicated to design, Zagreb Design Week. The festival will be held from 11 to 20 May; last year it was visited by more than 25,000 people. Its central location will be two floors of Hall V of the Nikola Tesla Technical Museum. The theme will be “Contemporary / For All Time”, exploring the durability of design solutions. The festival will encompass the whole city, with as many as 50 partner locations taking part. The high point of the festival will be Design Night on 18 May.

From 18 to 25 May Zagreb’s most famous street, Ilica, and the streets surrounding it will regain their erstwhile sparkle thanks to the Ilica / Q’Art Project. This is an initiative aiming to revitalise empty spaces in the neighbourhood where forgotten courtyards hide a valuable artistic and cultural heritage, opening them up through cultural and artistic events and traditional local craft businesses. Entry to all events is free.

"Lokalni putevi / Local Pathways" is the central theme of the third interdisciplinary multimedia open-air festival Design District Zagreb, which will be held in the area of Martićeva ulica from 14 to 17 June. The central programme of exhibitions, lectures and performances will take place in the spaces of the former Military Hospital in Vlaška ulica. Exhibitions, installations and interventions into public space await visitors, along with guided tours of architectural landmarks of the neighbourhood, workshops, talks and round tables, a book fair and literary and musical evenings.
