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Zagreb Digital Nomad Week: Everything You Need for Successful Work and Pleasant Stay

Zagreb is an ideal host for digital nomads due to its advanced online working options, coworking spaces with all the necessary equipment, but also due to the lifestyle of its citizens. Participants of the Zagreb Digital Nomad Week will have a chance to find out all about it and everyone is invited.

The pandemic considerably altered the way we live and work, but it also provided an excellent opportunity to leave the office and work in a safer and healthier environment. This is a possibility provided by online jobs. The Zagreb Digital Nomad Week, taking place from 21 to 27 June this year, is dedicated to various options provided to digital nomads on various locations in Zagreb. This week, which will be followed by the Digital Nomad Ambassador Project, is intended for digital nomads currently in Zagreb, but its aim is also to attract others. The seven-day event will revolve around various topics such as cyber security, familiarizing with technological, organisational and financial aspects of work and advantages of working in Zagreb and options it provides. Digital nomads who already live in Zagreb and those who are yet to move to the city will find out first hand in Zagreb’s hotels, parks and coworking spaces about numerous benefits offered by the city and the quality of life, safety and atmosphere that make the city recognisable world-wide. Some other benefits are also many options for relaxation and recreational sports such as discovering the city and its surroundings on a bicycle, vicinity of and excellent connection with famous seaside destinations as well as the fact that locals are open and friendly.

It is important to note that Croatia is one of the first countries to pass the legislation on digital nomads, which also encompasses the possibility to stay in the country up to a year. 

The Zagreb Digital Nomad Week is organised by the Zagreb Tourist Board in cooperation with Saltwater Nomads, the Digital Nomad Association, and Total Croatia News.

Read more about the Zagreb Digital Nomad Week here and apply at the following link:
