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Zagreb Time Machine: A Nostalgic Trip through Time

From late April to early October Zagreb Time Machine will bring history and customs of the city to life. Visitors will experience two lives of the city at the same time, the modern life and the past life in a nostalgic trip through time.

From 27 April to 6 October Zagreb Time Machine will bring history to life and invite you to a nostalgic journey on various interesting locations in Zagreb. 

When you hear singing on Saturdays and Sundays between 10:00am and noon in the Ban Josip Jelačić Square, Kaptol, Tkalčićeva Street and the Dolac Market, all nearby, it will be coming from members of folklore ensembles performing traditional songs, dances and customs for you while wearing beautiful national costumes.

If you wish to see everyday life of the city and its inhabitants, it may be best to go to the Dolac Market which, at the time of its opening ceremony in 1930, was one of the largest and most beautiful markets in Europe. In memory of women from the nearby villages who provided the city with food, carrying wicker baskets with vegetables, fruit and dairy products on their heads, a statue entitled Kumica s Dolca (a vendor) was put up at the market. And not far away women wearing national costumes greet you and continue to offer authentic Croatian products even today in memory of this tradition.

If you happen to find yourself in the main Zagreb square – Ban Josip Jelačić Square on a Saturday from 10:00am to 1:00pm, the Croatian ban (governor) and a beautiful girl Manda will keep you company next to the Manduševac fountain. They will explain how Zagreb got its name according to a legend, but also why what used to be a spring and is now a fountain in the main square is called Manduševac: the Croatian ban was thirsty and when he saw a beautiful girl standing next to a spring with a jug he asked for water by saying Mando, dušo, zagrabi! in Croatian (Mando, honey, ladle out the water).

Every Saturday and Sunday in the period leading to 18 October, as well as on national holidays and special occasions the Guard of Honour of the Kravat Regiment will display Changing of the guard while wearing historical uniform with a red scarf, a predecessor of the tie which was donned by Croatian soldiers in the 17th century. The patrol, which is almost two hours long and which always attracts a lot of attention of citizens and visitors, ends with members returning to the streets of the Lower Town after the tour of the city centre and the appealing ceremony in the Upper Town in front of St. Mark’s Church.

Zagreb Time Machine will also bring life to the streets of the Upper Town. For example every weekend between 10:00am and noon old city songs and love songs of buskers will be heard in St. Catherine’s Square, Strossmayer Promenade and St. Mark’s Square in the historic Upper Town. From 27 April to 26 May and from 7 September to 6 October, on Saturday and Sunday evening you will be meeting characters who marked the history of Zagreb in the streets of the Upper Town – historical figures, but also heroes from legends and novels of the city’s chroniclers. Historical tales about Zagreb will come to life and photos with heroes and protagonists of romantic stories from the history of Zagreb will take an important place in your memory.

Every Sunday from 10:30am to half past noon Maksimir Park will be marked by Zagreb Time Machine as well. This is where the Strauss Ensemble will perform waltzes, polkas, chansons and the most beautiful operetta arias. Maksimir Park, which was opened to the public in 1794 as one of the most important achievements in the field in the former Austria – Hungarian Monarchy, is today protected as a cultural heritage site and a monument of park architecture. With these romantic sounds Sunday mornings will be enjoyed twice as much than usual, at least.

Zagreb Time Machine is a project of Zagreb Tourist Board and this is its twelfth edition.  
