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ZagrebDox: Homage to the Environment, Nature and Heritage

This year exceptionally ZagrebDox takes place in autumn and is dedicated to the attitude to the environment and nature. Fans of documentaries will be able to enjoy many interesting activities but will also thought-provoking topical issues.

ZagrebDox, an international documentary film festival, brings film fans current documentary films many of which have been awarded. The audience will also get a chance to see some world premieres. What the films have in common is the fact that they bring attention to the consequences of the global environmental crisis, but also to alternative forms of everyday life based on respect for nature and cultural heritage or they showcase author’s fascination with natural phenomena and forces beyond human control.

Around fifty titles, which is the number of films presented at this year’s ZagrebDox, were categorised as regional (14 films) or international (16 films) while around twenty films of the Best of the Rest programme are not a part of the official competition.

The festival will take place between 4 and 11 October at SC Cinema and &TD Theatre of the Student Centre in Zagreb. It will take place adhering to all the necessary epidemiological measures so it is the organiser’s wish to give a chance to as many documentary fans as possible to see the titles. This is the reason why ZagrebDox this year takes place in the largest movie theatre in Zagreb.
