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Walk with Tito

Historical tourist walk

The leader of Yugoslav partisans, the man with modest childhood spent in Zagorje that became the key symbol of Yugoslavia, a country that no longer exists. The one who said no to both Hitler and Stalin, who stood side by side next to the most important state officials in the world for almost four decades. This historical tour will lead you to the era of Josip Broz Tito, some famous events and the former way of life. Whatever your opinion is on Tito, one thing is for sure - he was the key figure of an entire era in the Balkans.


Date/day of departure: Mon, Wed and Fri at 10am. Wednesday at 6 pm. Tours on request on request

Time of departure: Regular morning tours at 10am. Tour on Wednesdays at 6 pm

Point of departure: Mestrovic's pavilion 

Language: Croatian, English

Duration of the tour: 2 h

Price of the tour: 20,04 € 

Reservation/Check-in: Yes

Tours on request: Yes