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Art ex Machina - a tour dedicated to New Tendencies in Zagreb phenomena

There are many things that will surprise you about Zagreb, and one of them is the fact that the city became one of the key centres of computer art - in the 1960s!

Yes, you’ve read it right, Zagreb was an early incubation location of such art, then known under the term New Tendencies. So what did these artworks look like if there was no internet, no cloud? Where can we see them? Art EX Machina tour leads you from the Technical Museum Nikola Tesla to the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, presenting the works of famous Croatian artists, architects and designers and providing you with the answers, as well as more interesting stories.


Date/day of departure: 30.6., 22.8.

Time of departure: 10:00 p.m.

Point of departure: Entrance to the courtyard of the Nikola Tesla Technical Museum, Savska road 18

Language: Croatian

Duration of the tour: 1:30 h

Price of the tour: Fee for participation in the tour for 1 person: 6 EUR
Combined ticket (tour + exhibition Collection as verb) for 1 person: 8 EUR
Fee for participation in the tour for 1 pupil, student or pensioner: 4 EUR
Combined ticket (tour + exhibit Collection as Verb) for 1 pupil, student or pensioner: 6 eur
Group visits to kindergartens, primary and secondary schools and art schools (up to 20 participants): 3 EUR per person

Reservation/Check-in: Yes

Tours on request: Yes