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44th International Flower and Garden Show

The most imaginative floral creations depicting a rainbow of colors, fragrances and various types of plants will mark this year's International Flower and Garden Show FloraArt, which will take place from May 27th to 31st at Bundek Lake.

The 44th International Flower and Garden Show FloraArt will take place from May 27th to 31st at Bundek Lake, one of the two lakes in Zagreb. This is the largest horticulture event in this part of Europe, which brings together many exhibitors from Croatia and abroad, as well as hundreds of thousands of visitors. The FloraArt event also includes a number of competitions, from interior and exterior designing, to the selection of the most imaginative creations and flower arrangements, to the most beautiful flower details, and the staging of the “Croatian Florist's Cup”.

The tradition of organizing a floral exhibition in Zagreb originated officially in 1891 when the first such exhibition was held. However, the long tradition of gardening and floral decoration has its origins in the medieval city gardens, which then developed into urban parks, the beauty of which is still best represented by the magnificent Maksimir forest, the parks which make up the so-called Lenuci’s horseshoe and many others.  The city's green areas and parks connect eight squares and give a strong character to the urban identity of the Lower Town. Their structures and contents make them a first class cultural-historical and architectural monument of the 19th century. On the path of Lenuci's Horseshoe is the well known Botanical Garden, today a favorite destination for many tourists, which was built more than 120 years ago. That is why, the flower show in Zagreb is not only a display of horticulture, but rather a cultural event that best presents the long tradition in designing city gardens, parks and green areas, as well as continues an uninterrupted process of care for the maintenance of the garden culture of the city.
