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4th Edition of Brijačnica: A Two- Day Rock Festival to Move to Culture Factory

In addition to presenting rock bands that made musical history in the region, this year Brijačnica, a two-day rock festival, is moving to the recently renovated space of the club Culture Factory (Tvornica kulture). It boasts the largest concert hall in Croatia.

After three successful seasons in the Zrinjevac Bocce Hall (Boćarski dom) the two-day rock festival Brijačnica is moving to the club Culture Factory. The fourth edition of Brijačnica will take place on 15 and 16 March in the renovated largest concert hall in Croatia and will host the best rock bands from the region. 

On the very first day the audience will enjoy a performance of one of the most relevant rock bands of this region, Partibrejkers from Belgrade. A punk band from Ljubljana Pankrti will also appear in the original lineup with the frontman Pero Lovšin and mark 40 years since the founding of the band. The audience will hear a vanguard postpunk band Trobecove krušne peći and a supergroup from Rijeka Valter svira Paraf, consisting of the frontman of the legendary Paraf Valter Kocijančić and excellent musicians from Rijeka Vlado Simcich Vava, Robert Jovanović and Alen Tibljaš.

The second day of the festival is the time for a favourite band from Sarajevo Letu štuke, led by the frontman Dino Šaran who is considered by many to be one of the best lyricists in the region. Mile Kekin will also be there, the frontman of Hladno pivo, who will this time present his recently published solo album “Kuća bez krova”. Younger generations will be presented by an excellent band from Makarska Rezeve, whose debut album “Ravno u zamku” was one of the most praised albums last year, as well as by a promising indie group Lika Kolorado.

The festival tickets are sold for the price of 120 kuna, and on the day of the concert for the price of 140 kuna, while a day ticket will cost 70 kuna and on the particular day their price will be 90 kuna. Apart from being sold at Culture Factory, tickets are available at the store Dirty Old Shop at Tratinska 18 and Rockmark at Berislavićeva 13 as well as online via the website
