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Ethnographic Museum: Hundredth Anniversary Marked by Interesting Exhibitions

The Ethnographic museum in Zagreb will celebrate its hundredth anniversary with interesting thematic exhibitions about items which have been used during hundred years and about the way of life during this period.

The Ethnographic museum, a Croatian museum of a rich collection, will celebrate a century of its activity with interesting projects in which it shows a hundred years of change in the way of life and items used during that period.

“One Hundred Exhibits for One Hundred Years - the Treasure of the Ethnographic Museum” is a project inspired by the wish for visitors to discover the message, that is, the story behind every exhibit, which is to be assisted by audio recordings, texts or multimedia messages. In such a way visitor become active participants and explorers “drawn” into this story about a former way of life and bring this story about lifestyle in the past hundred years to all generations. The exhibition is open for public until 15 November this year.

Another interesting exhibition entitled “Hats off! - A Story about (Not) Covering Your Head” will mark the anniversary of the Ethnographic museum. Through a story about headgears it speaks about a hundred years of the museum. Around 300 items from Croatia, Europe and the entire world are displayed, revealing the differences linked to their function and meaning. This exhibition will be open to public until December 2020.
