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Gilbert & George Arrive in May

Although the opening of the new Museum of Contemporary Art is expected only in December, the museum has already started sending out announcements of the great exhibitions they plan to organize. In May next year, for example, the Museum will present the works of Gilbert & George, the British duo whose artistic opus occupies a prominent position in the contemporary global art.

„We will seduce our Zagreb audience“. This is how the famous British artistic duo announces the exhibition which will be held in May next year at the new Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb.
Ever since they met 40 years ago while studying sculpture at the Royal Academy of Arts in London, Gilbert Proesch and George Passmore have been inseparable artistic partners, and today they are the megastars of the global art scene.
At their Zagreb exhibition, which they announce as possibly being their last great lifetime exhibition, they will present about 150 artworks, mostly large prints that the eccentric artists create with the help of light.
The exhibition will also feature a large photo, smaller-size paintings, artworks from the recently held exhibition at the Tate Modern Gallery in London and a large triptych entitled MM. In this case, MM stands for the Roman numeral 2000 and the painting itself contains references to the past, present and future. They will also show pictures depicting very specific iconography which, as a rule, contains their figures. These will also be shown in a film.
The British artists' usual themes are life, fear, hope, sex, religion, money and similar topics verging on a taboo. These themes have always intrigued and inspired them in their work and made them globally famous. It is therefore not surprising that their numerous art performances, videos featuring the duo as living sculptures and many others can be found in the collections of the most important museums and galleries all over the world.
In May, Zagreb audiences will have an opportunity to enjoy their opus and the charming art duo has promised that the atmosphere of the exhibition will be sensational and that they will try to „seduce“ their Zagreb audiences with every presented work of art.
