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More Than a Renovation: The Modernised Croatian Natural History Museum to Open

With the opening of the renovated and modernised Croatian Natural History Museum, cultural and tourism offer of Zagreb gained another state-of-the-art and even more attractive museum institution.

The Croatian Natural History Museum, located in Demetrova Street in the Upper Town, is to open door to show new permanent exhibition to visitors in late September after three years of thorough renovation, additions and modernisation of its contents.

In addition to a complete renovation and extension of the protected cultural monument, the historical Upper Town Amadeo Palace which hosts it, the museum area grew from 860 to 3600 square metres. Therefore, the museum gained new exhibition spaces, it has been furbished with top-notch equipment, laboratory and souvenir shop as well as a museum café. From now on, visitors have a chance to see a new permanent exhibition with multimedia solutions and interactive content. Rich Croatian cultural and natural heritage is hence presented in a modern and attractive manner. Modern facilities were also added to host temporary exhibitions, lectures, workshops and other educational programmes and there are more options to conduct scientific research.

This is one of the capital projects in culture in Croatia and it has the investment value amounting to 31.6 million euro; the funds which were provided by the European Union, the City of Zagreb and the Republic of Croatia via two major projects.

The Croatian National History Museum is the national centre and central institution to gather, preserve, protect, present and scientifically process museum materials of natural history. The museum collections, whose origin is considered to be the National Museum established in 1846, host around 1.5 million exhibits.
