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Positive Concert: 15th and the Final Edition Marked by Dubioza Kolektiv

At a time when positive events are particularly valuable, the fact that this November the Positive Concert is to be held for the fifteenth time is good news. It is the most important Croatian music event in winter and one of the largest in the region. Bad news is that this year’s edition is going to be its last. All the more reason to be there.

The two-day Positive Concert, the most important and the longest-running gig in a concert hall, will end with its 15th edition. Dubioza Kolektiv, a popular band from Bosnia and Herzegovina which will perform on both days, and a number of other musicians will mark the final edition of this event scheduled for 22 and 23 November in the Main hall of Zagreb’s Dom sportova sports centre.

A particularity of the fifteenth and the final edition of the Positive Concert is that Dubioza Kolektiv, considered by many the greatest band in the region, will hold a full-length concert on both days. This could be seen as an homage to the special connection between the Positive Concert and the band which performed at this event in 2011 and again in 2014 when the concert was sold out.

The band Manntra, followed by Croatian musician Mile Kekin with his solo songs, and one of the greatest authors of our region Danko Rundek and the band Ekipa are also scheduled to perform on the first day of this year’s concert in Dom sportova.

On the second day of the Positive Concert we are expecting Zagreb’s band Atentat, followed by a gig of two hip-hop groups; the duo Krankšvester will perform at this event for the first time and the band Tram 11 will again come to the stage of the concert hall that they wowed with their comeback concert two years ago.

Over the last 14 years the Positive Concert has become the most important Croatian music event in winter and one of most massive concerts in the region. Its line-up has been filled with famous Croatian, regional but also international headliners.

The concert has also had an educational dimension because it is one of the events organised by the Croatian Association for HIV and viral hepatitis (CAHIV) intended to raise awareness about AIDS and HIV. Raising awareness, a stimulus to get tested and behave responsibly targeted at youth and persons at high risk of infection and a struggle for AIDS-free generation have been the main goals of the Association and of the Positive Concert, which they will continue to pursue using different tools.
