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Snow Queen Trophy Races: Start of the Year Marked by the Best Slalom Skiers in the World

In early January, while the holiday spirit is still alive, Zagreb will welcome some of the best slalom skiers of today who rank the Snow Queen Trophy at the top of their favourite races of the FIS Ski World Cup.

The Snow Queen Trophy races of the Audi FIS Ski World Cup, which have been organised since 2005, will be held from 4 to 7 January 2020. Sljeme, the peak of Medvednica Mountain near Zagreb, will welcome ladies’ race of the Audi FIS World Cup for the fourteenth and men’s race for the eleventh time.

Around two hundred best slalom skiers from 25 countries of the world are expected to arrive, as well as around four hundred members of their teams. The skiing competition on Sljeme, whose slops stretch very close to the city centre, will start in the evening of 4 January with a public draw of starting numbers for the ladies’ race on Ice Park’s ice rink in King Tomislav Square. Owing to the Christmas spirit in the city and entertainment that accompanies it, the draw is an attraction for skiers and for citizens and visitors of Zagreb as well. On the next day ladies’ slalom race will take place on Sljeme, and in the evening in the very city centre there is a draw for men’s race which will take place on Sunday, 6 January.

Excellent organisation and amazing atmosphere that accompany the two-day competition on the ski slopes and in the city have made Zagreb’s ski races popular among fans and other spectators.

The reputation of the Sljeme races is proven by the fact that they were admitted to the Club5 Ski Classics, which gathers the best traditional organisers of the FIS Ski World Cup races.
