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ZeGeVege: Sustainable and Delicious

The beginning of September will transform the Ban Josip Jelačić Main Square in Zagreb into a meeting place for those who promote sustainability in their manufacturing and for those whose lifestyle involves using these products.

The 12th ZeGeVege event will take place in the centre of  Zagreb in Ban Josip Jelačić Square on 6 and 7 September, bringing together producers of healthy food, eco-friendly and other sustainable products, cruelty-free cosmetics and restaurants that offer vegetarian and vegan food, displayed at around hundred stalls.

As expected based on previous editions, in two days the event will be visited by more than 50,000 eco-conscious visitors who will be able to taste healthy food, try eco-friendly products and gain new experiences that will help them practice and promote sustainability. During the two days of the 12th ZeGeVege, the displays will be open for viewing, tasting and purchase from 8 to 21 on Friday and until 20 on Saturday.

ZeGeVege is part of the international Veganmania festival held in Vienna, Munich and in 15 other European cities, with the Zagreb edition surpassing the others in size, number of exhibitors and visitors.

It is good to note that by maintaining a sustainable way of living, which has more and more devotees in the world, we protect the environment, our own health, and in the long run, we enable the survival of plant and animal species and promote biodiversity.
