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Ajngemahtes – chicken soup with vegetables and liver dumplings

There are over 2000 varieties of soup in the world, and ajngemahtes is Zagreb's.

This must-try soup of Zagreb cuisine is rich in freshness and flavour. The best ones are made by grandmothers, and luckily, there are still a lot of grandmothers around. Make you own ajngemahtes and don't forget to invite your grandmother. To congratulate you, of course...



Ingredients for 4-6 people:


For the soup:

500 g of                chicken meat

1                             onion

200g                      carrots

100 g                     parsley root

200 g                     kohlrabi

100 g                     celery root

150 g                     green peas

1 tablespoon      chopped parsley


For liver dumplings:

2 slices                  white bread

100 ml  of            milk

100 g                     chicken liver

50 g                        softened butter

½ of                       onion

1                              egg

1 tablespoon     chopped parsley

60-80 g                 white smooth flour



Vegetable oil

Salt and ground black pepper




Cut white bread into cubes, salt, pour in milk and leave to rest for 30 minutes. In the meantime, add chopped onions to heated oil, salt and briefly fry. Then add chicken cut into cubes and fry for 2 to 3 minutes. Next, add carrot, celery root and kohlrabi cubes and parsley. Simmer briefly. After 2 to 3 minutes, salt the ingredients, add water and leave to boil. When the ingredients boil, use a slotted spoon to skim the foam that formed on the surface and cook for about 30 minutes. In the meantime, drain the soaked bread cubes, add chopped liver, butter, chopped onions, an egg, chopped parsley, season with salt and pepper, add flour and mix well. Form dumplings out of the mixture using spoons and cook in the soup for about 15 minutes. Sprinkle with chopped parsley and serve still hot.