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Dance Evenings in Zrinjevac Park

The Zagreb Tourist Board has launched a project to organize dance evenings in Zrinjevac Park. Every Friday evening, between July 1st and September 2nd, there will be concerts and dancing to sixties tunes.

Dance evenings will take place in Zrinjevac Park every Friday between July 1st and September 2nd. This event has been launched by the Zagreb Tourist Board to revive the spirit of Zagreb's dance halls and to demonstrate how people used to socialize and amuse themselves. During the aforementioned period, every Friday between 9.30 P.M. and 10.30 P.M., Zagreb's citizens and their guests will have an opportunity to enjoy the music of the sixties performed by well-known musicians, and swirl to the rhythms of dance music. Popular Croatian musicians, Walter Neugebauer and Miro Ungar, have been lined up to kick off the event on July 1st.

Dance evenings in Zrinjevac Park are part of another larger project, the Zagreb Time Machine, which was launched by the Tourist Board a few years ago. Within the framework of that project, every Saturday between 11 A.M. and 1 P.M., the pavilion in Zrinjevac is the venue for promenade concerts. Meanwhile, the traditional customs of Zagreb and its surrounding areas are conjured up in the heart of the city, on the stretch between Dolac Market and Ban Josip Jelačić Square. On weekend mornings, visitors of the Upper Town are entertained by the street musicians who play old love songs, and during late-afternoons they can take a leisurely stroll in the company of costume-clad characters from Zagreb's past.

Additionally, every Saturday and Sunday at noon, St. Mark's Square is the stage for the changing of the Guard of Honour of the Cravat Regiment, whose soldiers introduced the cravat (or tie) into European fashion back in the 17th century. With so much going on, it is not surprising that Zagreb has been dubbed a big urban stage.

