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Music for all times

The promenade concerts in Zrinjevac Park cherish the traditions and spirit of Zagreb as they were before and still are today. Beautiful songs will resound across the park throughout the month of June, bringing pleasure to the ears of the city’s visitors.

It is time to experience the true atmosphere of Zagreb as it once was and as it still lives through the tunes of old songs. Throughout the month of June, the nostalgic tones of traditional urban music will resound in Zrinjevac Park. The atmosphere will be set by the “Potepuhi” quartet which will hold the first in a series of concerts in one of the most beautiful parks in the city. These concerts have a long tradition as they have been taking place at the Music Pavilion in Zrinjevac Park every Saturday between spring and autumn since 1891 when the pavilion was erected. This June, every Saturday between 11 a.m. and 1.p.m., visitors will have an opportunity to sing along to the tunes of  old songs about Zagreb, show their prowess on the dance floor, or just relax on one of the nearby benches. Numerous costumed characters from Croatia’s history add a special charm to this event. Various workshops are bound to provide much entertainment for children, whereas the arts and antiques on display will certainly catch the eye of the passers-by. Throughout history, numerous domestic and foreign musicians have appeared at the Music Pavilion and performed marches, waltzes, operas, jazz music, as well as old evergreens …  If you are headed for one of the promenade concerts, it is worth making an additional effort and dress in a period costume from the 19th and 20th centuries.  The best dressed visitor will win a weekend trip for two to one of Croatia’s popular coastal destinations. At the end of the promenade concert season a similar award awaits the best dance couple. Thus, unleash your creativity for a Saturday visit to Zrinjevac. If your costume is authentic enough, you will be asked to pose for the “schnell photographer” who will take a complimentary photo of you in your glad rags with an old-fashioned camera that dates back to the beginning of the last century.
