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Street Triptych: Creative Street Art Changing City Landscapes

An all-year project “Street Triptych” uses the power of street art to change the appearance of city streets and turn them into an artist studio and a canvas to be painted on by visual artists.

An art project entitled “Street Triptych”, which started in mid-March, is jointly organised by the art collective of the association Preuredi moju pumpu (Pimp My Pump) and the Zagreb Tourist Board. It is an all-year project of street exhibitions offering a cross-section of the current local street art scene. Open-air city spaces will become a temporary art studio in which selected artists will have the opportunity to exhibit their works through a unique form of “exhibition in transition”. 

The content of “Street Triptych” will change every three months so during that period passers-by will be able to see three new works of art whose authors are various Croatian artists. Moreover, as an added element of surprise, one of the three locations will be different each time while two will stay the same.

The project started in mid-March with the works of three artists: Mislav Lešić, Zvonimir Haramija Hans and Boris Bare. They painted on the billboards in the very town centre, in the central position next to the Visitor Centre at 11 Ban Josip Jelačić Square, in Radićeva Street, followed by 1 Dolac.

The second cycle contained the works of three talented Croatian artists Tea Jurišić (billboard in Radićeva Street at number 46), Sanja Stojković (Opatovina Park) and OKO (Visitor Center of the Zagreb Tourist Board, 11 Ban Josip Jelačić Square), thus marking the second round with women's handwriting and painting a unique “exhibition in transition”. The next round was announced to take place in the final quarter of 2021.

It is the organizes wish and intention to brighten up passers-by and at the same time make the streets of Zagreb more beautiful with the help of art motifs of a developing and intensifying street art scene.
