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The Croatian Capital as the Global Centre of Animated Film – Animafest Zagreb 2018

From 4 to 9 June, more than 350 films at Animafest Zagreb 2018, the 28th World Festival of Animated Film, will turn Zagreb into the world’s centre of animated film

Animafest Zagreb 2018, the 28th World Festival of Animated Film, brings to Zagreb audiences an exceptional number of the best international and Croatian animated films. Of over 1800 candidates from 76 countries, 44 have been selected for the prestigious Grand Competition of Short Film. Fans of comedy and family film will be delighted by the Grand Competition, and there will also be many political works, interesting animated documentaries and films heavily based on music.

46 films will be screened in the student film competition, and 18 in the Croatian film competition. As well as the competitions, Animafest offers a great many themed, supporting and special programmes and events. The central theme genre is horror in honour of the 200th anniversary of the first publication of Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein”. A retrospective programme deals with the opus of Paul Fierlinger, winner of the Animafest 2018 Lifetime Achievement Award. Animafest in partnership with the Museum of Arts and Crafts will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the ever-popular Croatian animated series Professor Balthazar. For the second year running there will be Animacycle – a ride around Gornji grad at dusk in a group led by a tricycle fitted with film projection equipment. Thanks to this cultural and recreational innovation Gornji grad’s facades will be turned into Animafest cinema screens.
