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Top-class concerts under an open sky

During this year’s Zagreb Summer Evenings, marking its 30th jubilee, the atrium of the Klovićevi Dvori Gallery and Gradec Stage will feature performances by numerous top-class musicians from Croatia as well as abroad.

The 30th Zagreb Summer Evenings will be taking place between the 5th and the 27th of July in the atrium of the Klovićevi Dvori Gallery and the Gradec Stage. Along with distinguished musicians from Croatia as well as abroad, this year’s jubilee event will also feature performances by young musicians with notable talent; the city’s audience will have an opportunity to enjoy thirteen top-class music events. Taking place within the framework of the Zagreb Summer Evenings, there will also be a festival of operetta and musicals in cooperation with the Musical and Operetta Theatre of Budapest. The final concert will also feature a performance by the renowned Croatian pianist, Ivo Pogorelić.

This event, which has been taking place since 1982, is organized by the Zagreb Concert Management. It was first established under the name “Evenings at Grič”, then “Zagreb Summer”, and finally, for the last several years, it has been held under the name: Zagreb Summer Evenings. As in previous editions of the festival, Zagreb audiences will once again have an opportunity to enjoy performances by top-class names from the world of music.

This year’s event will kick off with a concert by the talented young Croatian pianist, Javor Bračić. Scheduled a day later is a performance by American singer-songwriter, Suzanne Vega, followed by: the charismatic Croatian artist, Jelena Radman; the Acoustic Project ensemble, consisting of a dozen top-class musicians, mostly members of the Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra; and, finally, the Wenderer Trio from France. There will also be piano performances by Andrey Gugnin from Russia, a concert by one of the most popular Roma bands of Moldavia, Fanfara Zimbrul, the Marco Polo ensemble from Croatia, and the Schikanders Jugend ensemble of Austria...

