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Zagreb is an Attractive Convention Destination

The number of conventions that take place in Zagreb is steadily growing for a number of good reasons: the activities of the Convention Bureau of the City of Zagreb, the professionalism and skills of the hosts and the charm of the city and its surroundings.

The number of conventions and other gatherings hosted by Zagreb is on the rise. Last year, there were over 200 conventions, seminars, conferences and other gatherings with a total of over 45.6 thousand participants. Of those, 109 were international gatherings, which lasted an average of 3.1 days and were attended by nearly 15 thousand participants. There were 38 domestic gatherings with international participation that totaled around 8.5 thousand participants and lasted an average of 2.5 days. To these figure one should also add 43 sporting events with approximately 20,000 participants.
Zagreb's well renowned hotels, such as the Regent Esplanade, Westin, Sheraton, International, Antunović, Four Points by Panorama and others have earned their reputations as miniature congress cities. Each of them has several conference halls, state-of-the-art audio and visual equipment and great experience in holding conventions, smaller gatherings and organizing banquets.

Conventions are also held at the Vatroslav Lisinski Concert and Convention Hall, at the Congress Center of the Zagreb Fair and at the Hypo Alpe Adria Center. But this is not all. In Zagreb, particularly in its Upper Town, there are a number of representative venues for smaller gatherings and receptions. We can add theaters, particularly the beautiful Croatian National Theater, to the list of more conventional meeting venues.
